April 24, 2024

Retail Media’s Next Wave? Banks, Fintechs, and A Huge Data Cache

Though some questionable practices threaten to open "a can of worms", retail media spend continues climbing. Now banks and fintechs are building out similar business models - powered by a ton of spend data across every category.
April 16, 2024

Signal Loss or Signal Gain? Cookies’ Death is Long Overdue – But Next Three Months are Crucial

As live sandbox testing begins in earnest, some adtech firms are confident of upside for themselves, publishers, and advertisers. Google is also talking up results of cookieless data matching approaches. But the next three months will prove instructive.
October 23, 2023

How Advertisers Should Cope With a Post-Cookie World and The Importance of First-Party Data with LiveRamp Head of SEA, Seow Ping Tan | Podcast #14

Tune in to episode 14 of AdTech | AlikeAudience, where the Head of South East Asia, LiveRamp Seow Ping Tan, and AlikeAudience Co-founder Bosco Lam talk about the importance of using first-party data in a privacy-compliant manner as advertisers transition to a post-cookie world in digital advertising, with business and technology journalist Duncan Craig.
July 27, 2023

How to Secure Data Collaboration and User Privacy in the New World of Data Clean Rooms | Podcast #13

Tune in to episode 13 of AdTech | AlikeAudience, where Director of Business Development & Strategy Juan Baron and AlikeAudience Co-founder Bosco Lam talk about the role of Data Clean rooms and Data Collaboration in the AdTech Marketing Industry, with business and technology journalist Duncan Craig.
March 3, 2023

The New Post-Pandemic Digital Consumer Landscape With AlikeAudience Co-Founder Bosco Lam | Podcast #11

Tune in to Episode 11 of AdTech | AlikeAudience, where Bosco Lam, Co-founder of AlikeAudience, shares the optimal standpoint for collecting consumer data in the future while respecting customers' privacy rights.
November 15, 2022

The Future is Multi-Channel Marketing: Nailing your AdOps Strategy During Challenging Times, with Sophie Eom, CEO of Adriel | Podcast #10

In today’s episode, Sophie Eom, Co-founder, and CEO of Adriel, a marketing dashboard software for real-time reporting and ad optimization, discusses the future of multi-channel marketing with the CSO of AlikeAudience, Elice Lau, and the Director of The Brand Creatives, Jessica Lam.
September 29, 2022

Reaching Voters with Programmatic Media Buying: Strategies by IQM | Podcast #9

In the ninth episode of ad-tech | AlikeAudience, Dhimant Bhundia, Head of Product at IQM Corporation, a political-first programmatic media buyer platform, discusses Political Advertising with Co-founder of AlikeAudience, Bosco Lam, and Director of The Brand Creatives, Jessica Lam.
August 18, 2022

Growth Marketing in AdTech: B2B vs B2C with Jonny Chan | Podcast #8

In the eighth episode of AdTech | AlikeAudience, ex-Meta Research Lead and current Growth Marketing Manager at Coalition Inc., Jonny Chan, Co-founder of AlikeAudience, Bosco Lam, and the Director of The Brand Creatives, Jessica Lam, discuss AdTech Growth Marketing in both B2B and B2C landscapes.
July 12, 2022
Open Internet vs Walled Gardens: Breaking Myths about Supply-side Platforms with PubMatic | Podcast #7

Open Internet vs Walled Gardens: Breaking Myths about Supply-side Platforms with PubMatic | Podcast #7

In the seventh episode of AdTech | AlikeAudience, the APAC Director of Data and Audience at PubMatic, Brandon Lee, Co-founder of AlikeAudience, Bosco Lam, and the Director of The Brand Creatives, Jessica Lam, share their thoughts on the open internet versus the walled garden, and the latest partnership between AlikeAudience and PubMatic to bring audience segments to the supply side.
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